Display a comic series, including all comic issues and all images that make up the comic. (All properties are required unless stated otherwise)

Property Type Description
identifier Uuid Unique identifier for the comic
name String Name of the comic
description String A short description of the comic
status SeriesStatus Status options for the comic
datePublished Date Date the comic is published
url String Url link of this SSS feed
genres [Genre] An array of what genres your comic. Most apps will only display use the first 2 or 3 genres provided.
tags [String] An array of tags for the comic. Most apps will only display use the first 10 tags provided.
coverImage ImageDetails Cover art for the comic. Comes in 3 sizes (variants) cover_sm, cover_md, cover_lg
bannerImage ImageDetails Banner art for the comic. Comes in 3 sizes (variants) banner_sm, banner_md, banner_lg
thumbnailImage ImageDetails Thumbnail art for the comic. Comes in 1 size (variant) thumbnail
contentRating ContentRating Rating for the comic.
inLanguage Language Language the comic is in.
seriesType ComicSeriesType Type of comic
seriesLayout ComicSeriesLayout Layout style for the comic
feedOwnerName String Name of the owner of this SSS feed.
feedOwnerEmail String Email used to verify ownership of this SSS feed.
copyrightNotice String Copyright details.
creators [Creator] Links to Creator SSS Feeds. One for every creator for the comic.
issues [ComicIssue] An array of all issues for the comic.
hostingProvider Hosting Provider (Optional) Link to the Hosting Provider SSS Feed. This gives you details on OAuth endpoints, which allow you to access paid content on this feed.
scopesForExclusiveContent [String] (Optional) If this comic series contain any exclusive content this property will be present. It lists the payment platforms which the user must use to view exclusive issues.


Comic Series con contain multiple issues (episodes)

Property Type Description
identifier Uuid Unique identifier for the comic issue
name String Name of the issue
creatorNote String A note from the creator. Most apps will only display the first 260 characters.
datePublished Date Date the issue is published.
bannerImage ImageDetails Banner art for the issue. Comes in 3 sizes (variants) banner_sm, banner_md, banner_lg
thumbnailImage ImageDetails Thumbnail art for the issue. Comes in 1 size (variant) thumbnail
stories [ComicStory] An array of all the stories (art) for the issue.
scopesForExclusiveContent [String] (Optional) This property will be present if this comic issue is exclusive content. It lists the payment platforms which the user must use to view exclusive issues.
dateExclusiveContentIsAvailable Date (Optional) Date the exclusive issue is available for everyone.

If this comic issue is exclusive content and will be free at a certain time in the future, this property will be present. This gives you the information to display ‘X days till Free’ for the comic issue. |


An image.

Property Type Description
identifier Uuid Unique identifier for the comic story (artwork)
storyImage ImageDetails Art for the story. Comes in 1 size (variant) story

Example SSS Feed


Comics Apps that support SSS Feeds

Supported Comic Apps

Want to notify comic apps about a new feed?


Referenced types in this document:
