Describes how to generate an image url, based on its base_url and the desired variant.

Property Type Description
base_url String Base url for the image
variant_name1 String The string to append to the base url to get the desired size / variant for the image
variant_name2 String The string to append to the base url to get the desired size / variant for the image
variant_name3 String The string to append to the base url to get the desired size / variant for the image


For a Creator, avatarImage has 3 possible variants. avatar_sm, avatar_md, avatar_lg.

To get the medium avatar image, take the provided image details, and append the base_url + the desired variant (avatar_md):

"avatarImage": {
  "base_url": "<>",
  "avatar_sm": "avatar-sm.webp",
  "avatar_md": "avatar-md.webp",
  "avatar_lg": "avatar-lg.webp"
